Sunday, May 5, 2013

How save and make money

How save and make money
How save and make money

If you save money, the money will save you

The problem with most peoples finances today is that they are not getting enough income to satisfy their needs and wants. People are naturally going to buy things they want even if it means spending more than they have (credit cards), and they know in the back of their minds that they cant afford it, but they will get it anyway. I think people will develop their own budgeting scheme when their income meets their wants then they will be budgeting masters, all by their selves. But till then there will ALWAYS be people in debt no matter how much you preach!

I think a solution to some people money problem is to teach them how to make extra money first, and then teach them how to budget and save it. Americans really don’t want that much; it is the hobbies that get people in trouble, bills, spending too much on golf clubs, car parts, computers, things around the house etc.

I don’t know about you but this is how I feel about life. Right now, I am working a 9 to 5 job making $3200 monthly. I don’t want to be stuck knowing that I will be 'working' for the rest of my life, taking orders from bosses, putting up with BS and other peoples attitude, having to get up in the morning when I want to sleep in and that fear of getting fired. Currently, I am in this situation but will not be soon. There are people right now making well over $20,000/monthly working for their selves and they are everyday people that you see walking their dog, in supermarkets or even that person arguing with the McDonalds cashier. If these people ever do go back to work for someone else they can do it "stress free" even if the job is stressful (think about that). 

Before, you can work for yourself you have to decide one thing: If you really want that responsibility. If you said yes, you have gotten over the biggest hurdle and you will not be limited to the income your employer is giving you. I know what I am about to say will be over simplistic but I will save the details for you to research on your own. Here is a breakdown

1st: determine if you really want self-employment
2nd: decide what area of business you want or good at.
3rd: If step 2 requires money, their are program out there that can help you get started in internet business, selling or something else before you start in what you want to do. For example, "I want to own a photography shop but it costs $10,000 to get started. Well, if I sell product A for a year I can do it". You never know, whatever you get into before your dream business may make you $50,000 a month and you may forget all about that photography shop. I can help you here too.
4th Research, research and do more research. Find out what you competition is. Find out how much money they are making. Find out where they are advertising. Find out what it takes to get started. Find out where your customer are etc, etc, etc..research
5th EXECUTE!! I mean once you have confidence go do it.

They say that 90% of home businesses fail for the first time. And you may fail, but all you have to do is try and try again, please don’t give up. Believe me, you will get it right and when you do, you will be very successful. The percentage of people who fail for the second and third time is much lower than the first timers. Well sorry to talk yall half to death, I can go on and on about this stuff.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Easy Ways To Make Money

Easy Ways To Make Money
Easy Ways To Make Money

There are easy ways to make money in my opinion, but of course this means different things to different people. For example, do you want easy ways to make money right now, or ways to make the most over time with the least effort? These really are two very different things.

Easy Ways To Make Money Right Now

- Go get a job. Or just work more hours at your present job. Starting a business or learning to invest successfully isn't easy. A job is easier. To be able to go to work and get a paycheck every week or two guaranteed - that's easy!

- Sell things. An easy way to make money quickly is to sell whatever you don't need. Get rid of the second car, the boat you never use, etc.

- Reduce expenses. Stop smoking, and learn how to spend less for all the things you buy. If you can spend $14 less each day on unimportant things, you save over $5,000 per year. That's like making $7,000 more (you have to earn that much to have $5,000 after taxes).

Easy Ways To Make Money - Eventually

The job is easier than a business, but really only in the near-term. If you define easy as "the most money over time for the least effort," you need to invest or start a business, or both. I've got two stories to demonstrate that idea.

I bought my first home in my twenties, and it was just a mobile home on real estate, but I discovered that I could easily rent rooms. I was soon living for free as well as banking some of the money. This wasn't a "get rich quick" scheme, but I made as much as $7,000 per year extra from my investment. I had to work to pay off the mortgage, but in the end I was working much less than my friends were.

My second story has to do with this internet business. I spend a lot of time writing these articles now, and distributing them. People read them, click through to my web sites from the link at the bottom, and maybe buy a product that I get a commission on, or I get paid for the advertising clicks. Really, it is pretty easy now, but that's not how it started.

I worked full time from the start. Six months into it, I was making a net profit of about $2 per day. It was a bit discouraging. I had a lot to learn. Fortunately, I learned my lessons, and as it turns out, I was making something closer to $30 per hour for my time. I just wouldn't be paid for the first year. Now the business pumps out the money I made from those earlier efforts, and keeps doing so even when I am on vacation.

That's the way it is with money. If you want more money than a job will provide, you have to invest or start a business. That may mean you work for a dollar per hour to start, so that you can easily collect $100 per hour, years down the road. If that sounds too discouraging, then maybe there are no easy ways to make money.

Do Business Opportunities Still Exist For Budding Entrepreneurs?

Do Business Opportunities Still Exist For Budding Entrepreneurs
Do Business Opportunities Still Exist For Budding Entrepreneurs

The world of business is moving forwards at a fast pace. Globalization, huge marketing exposure and low distribution costs over the recent years have had a huge impact on small businesses.  I have been told that opportunities for the adventurous and ambitious were in abundance only ten years ago but the 'markets have changed' and margins are tighter making new ventures all the more risky. 

Globalization, smarter IT systems and the intelligent analysis of information and the money to put this infrastructure in place gives the bigger player a distinct advantage with bespoke and selective marketing targeted to an ever demanding audience.  

Do the factors of opportunity remain constant in an ever shifting and almost slippery road for business people looking to capitalize on the next big hit?

I have had many discussions with business people and new entrepreneurs who state that the markets have become so fast and furious that only those with deep pockets can penetrate new areas that were once only an idea.  

Others say that where one door closes, many new doors open and that all you have to do is have foresight.   The market always has a knack of balancing the scales and where some exceed and drive out other players, they often leave a huge gap behind them in their wake only for to be capitalized on.

In today's age where fast food, massive shopping centers, online shopping and consumers demanding more and more for the market, is there any room left for that personal and local touch?  Does price and speed always dictate where you buy?

Bespoke and personalized marketing are the buzz words of today.  Electronic profiles of your buying habits are allowing selective marketing that claim to zone in on your interests.  

Have you noticed vouchers you receive through the post from your supermarket?  These vouchers are personally tailored to reflect your personal interests through analyzing what you have previously purchased through your debit or credit card.  You can only hide if you buy with cash.  They say that cash is king but if you want to hide your buying profile, do not use plastic!

How do new businesses compete in this fast moving market?  What have the giants left in their wake?  If you are thinking laterally, what new business opportunities exists and where?

The new breed of entrepreneur has to be one step ahead and the only advantage they have is that they can respond to demands quicker than the lumbering giants.  An example is that extra personal touch.  With small businesses you may be able to talk directly to the owner whereas with the big players you may end up talking to someone in a foreign country.  Does that count?  Do customers appreciate this?  

Is there a gap in the market for personalized solutions that only the small businesses can cater for? Could this create a new wave and movement?  Going back to basics and rewinding the commercial clock may be called for but you better be quick, the big guys are just behind you!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Entrepreneurial Holiday Guilt for Creative Professionals

Entrepreneurial Holiday Guilt for Creative Professionals
Entrepreneurial Holiday Guilt for Creative Professionals

Guilt, guilt, guilt.  Guilt is a terrible feeling and is often self-inflicted by creative entrepreneurs, especially during the holidays. 

Most people who work for themselves say they chose to do so because they wanted to "control their time."  People who value time over money, recognize that time is a precious commodity that cannot be created, bought, or borrowed.  You have to use it wisely or else it is gone.

Having the luxury to control how, with whom, and where you spend your time is one of the bonuses of working for yourself.  So, why is it that an overwhelming number of female entrepreneurs also say they feel guilty when they are not working on their businesses or with a client between the hours of 9 am to 5 pm?  

To be truly happy and successful as an entrepreneur, you must break the corporate-created walls of time and learn how to set your day according to your needs and the needs of your clients.  There is no law chaining you to your desk eight hours a day between 9 am and 5 pm. 

Here's my advice: stop feeling guilty about when you are working and when you are not, and ditch the idea of playing by rules set up by other organizations.  Make sure you benefit from the freedoms of entrepreneurship and maximize your time by performing regular activities such as food shopping at off times like 10 am on a Tuesday or having your teeth cleaned at 2pm on a Monday.   You will spend less time waiting in line, you will be less stressed, and actually have more time to devote to your clients and other activities, then if you went on a weekend or during a busier time.

Of course, be sure to take a day or two off completely during the holidays to go gift shopping, ice-skating, or for decorating your home.  Give yourself permission to enjoy your life and do something for yourself, even if it is on a week day between nine and five.  You deserve it.

Happy holidays!

Becoming an Internet Entrepreneur - Tips and Tricks!!!

Becoming an Internet Entrepreneur
Becoming an Internet Entrepreneur

Hello, and congratulations on becoming an Internet Entrepreneur with your very own Web Business!!! To get you fast-tracked, we have included a vast selection of tips and tricks to make your online business a success that it deserves to be.

1) First of all, choose a domain name that is somehow related to the business you are in. For   example, if you are looking for a domain name for your pillow business, you might want to try using a name like or It is important to use a “real” domain name. Your visitors will not take your business seriously if you use a free domain name like , or . A lot of the good domain names are already spoken for, but if you are patient enough, you will search and find one that is still available. If you think that you will need more than one domain name, get that one now too, as thousands of names are taken up each day. Do a search under “Google” using “cheap domain names” as your search words. You will find some very reasonably priced domain registrars. The cheapest one that I have found so far is at They are a full service operation offering web hosting and cheap, cheap, cheap domain registration. 

2) You will need a hosting service for your domain name. The hosting service allows your domain name and all of its content to be viewed on the internet. This is easy to handle. You have basically two choices here. You can pay for the hosting service or get it for free. If money is not really a problem for you, then you may want to choose the paid version. Just do a search using “Google” with “web hosting” as your search words, and take your pick from the thousands of sites. You will find that the price charged varies wildly depending the services required. Now if you want to explore the free version…. There are a lot of free hosting companies on the internet. The problem with these free hosting companies is that they all require some sort of pop-up banner, static header or footer banner, or both, to be placed on each and every web page. These banners can contain all kinds of advertising, and some, or all of it, may not be welcome to the viewers on your web site. The free hosting option is certainly not the best one to explore. To save you time, I would recommend again for the most economical hosting of your web site.

3) Once you have your domain name and hosting service taken care of, you will probably need a way of uploading your web content to your site. Sometimes your web hosting service provider includes a site manager that allows this function. If not, then you might want to look into downloading some FTP software such as WS_FTP for example at  While you are downloading software, you may also want to add WINZIP – located at to your download list. WINZIP allows you to “unzip” your “PillowSleep” file for example. A file is initially “zipped” to compress it for ease of downloading. To use this download zip file, you will have to “unzip” it first.

4) Your “PillowSleep” site probably needs a little more customizing. Look at other pillow sites on the internet for comparison and see what could be improved visually on your site. Does it need any flashy graphics? There are many free graphics available on the internet  - just do a search with google. Once you are happy with the way your web site looks, it’s now time to focus on that fun part – html coding. Unless you are very comfortable using “html” coding, don’t touch the “html” coding on the “PillowSleep” pages at all. If you are comfortable using “hml”, then you could add things like Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Descriptions, etc., which would allow the search engines to find your web site much easier.  The use of “keyword phrases” is much more useful than just using “keywords”, because it makes your web site more search specific. Go ahead and add a “Pillow” links page too. Another tip is always keep a hard copy of your web pages somewhere, either on a floppy, cd, or dvd. There are few things worse than customizing a web site and if something bad happens to your computer or hard drive, losing the web content forever. 

5) At this point, you probably already have uploaded your web site and have it online. Now you need to “drive” visitors to your site. One popular way of bringing traffic to your site is to use a free link exchange or free link trading service. For the free link exchange service, you just sign up and put a little bit of code on your “Pillow” web site (this allows other Pillow web site banners to be viewed on your site and vice versa). The free link trading service is very simple also. You simply add another pillow’s link to your links page and vice versa. This trading of links increases your sites popularity greatly with the search engines. One of the most important things you can do to gain traffic is to get listed with the major search engines. Go to each search engine, or use a free service like and add your web site there. There is also what is called “pay-per-click” search engines where you actually pay for traffic sent to your web site. Other search engines require payment in order to get listed with them at all. “Yahoo” is one of these “pay” search engines.

6) Please be advised that is illegal to “Spam” on the internet or via e-mail. Spamming is sending unwanted e-mails or putting internet advertising material, or internet material in general where it should not be. That being said, another method of marketing and promoting your site is to add your site to casino and gambling message boards and free for all links pages. Please check to see if it is ok to post your info there first, and in which category, and anywhere else before posting there. If you “Spam”, you risk losing your internet service provider, and possibly your web host with all of your web content. It’s just not worth the trouble.

7) Another way of promoting your site is to add your web site address to your business cards, and/or make up flyers and posters. Don’t forget to get permission before you post anything anywhere. If you have other web sites, add a banner and/or link to your “Pillow” site there. Make a t-shirt with your “Pillow” graphic and web address on it (on both sides of the t-shirt) for yourself to wear. If you want, add your “Pillow” graphic logo and web address to different products like baseball caps and coffee mugs, and give them away as promotional items. Buy an ad on a bus stop, or a small classified ad in the local paper, or radio ad, etc. How about getting two of those “12 inch x 12 inch” sticky, bendable, removable, flat, “magnet ads” made up at your local printing store to put on the sides of your vehicle’s doors. When you drive around the city, every body will see your web site ad and when you get to your destination, simply take the sign off until you leave again. How about putting one of your “Pillow” flyers or small posters on the inside of your vehicle’s rear side glass areas. Just make sure it doesn’t obscure your vision. The idea is to use your creativity here.

8) I hope these pointers are of good use to you. Good luck with your online web business!!!

Sandy Johnson